
Our Community

Objectives and spirituality

Remember me in your Kingdom, is a spiritual, missionary and ecumenical community, lives by faith in Jesus Christ the Savior, Teacher and Risen from the dead, united with the Omnipotent Father, listening to the whispers of the Holy Spirit, faithful to the teachings of the Lord and the directives of the Church mother and teacher, grows in love to the Lord and to the neighbor, renewed by the living hope, asks the intercession of the Virgin Mary Most Holy, and seeks to sanctify itself and the world.

It has come to existence on 1 June 2006, witnessing to the word “I am the Resurrection and the life, for who believes in me, even though he dies, will live” (Jn 11, 25) with great joy and hope one is the “Lord Jesus” real comforter and giver of life.

Objectives and spirituality

  • Pray for our brothers who died in the hope of the resurrection, by the participation in the Holy Eucharist, the sacrifice of the Cross, which is a sign of redemption and mercy, and a bridge of crossover to the Kingdom, embodying the communion of Saints through prayer and love.
  • Live the divine virtues, faith, hope and love, seeking to aspire to what is beyond this life and stand firm in our vocation proceeding through the path of righteousness and benignity, practicing true penitence and exclaiming with the right criminal: “Remember me when you come into your Kingdom” (Lk 23: 42).
  • Perform Acts of mercy recommended by our Lord and Savior, to inter the gap between brothers, so that no one would hesitate to meet the needs of his brother (Gospel of Lazarus and the rich Lk 16, 19-31).
  • Spiritual formation around Church dogma, Sacraments, its faith in eternal life, and deepening the knowledge of Sacred Scripture, to grow in faith and prayer, and live in peace, love and joy.
  • Training courses, if possible, to accompany the moribund sick, according to a human, scientific, and spiritual dimension.
  • Dissemination and application of a right pastoral of death, to reinforce life of faith and Christian hope.